Ephemera 25 : 33-40 (8 pages)

Redescription of Corynoneura magna Brundin, 1949 from acidic springs and peat bogs in north-eastern France (Diptera, Chironomidae, Orthocladiinae)

by Joel Moubayed ✻ & Gennaro Coppa ✻✻ & Peter H. Langton ✻✻✻

✻ Freshwater & Marine Biology
10 rue des Fenouils 34070 Montpellier, France

✻✻ 1 rue du Courlis 08350 Villers-sur-Bar, France

✻✻✻ University Museum of Zoology Cambridge
Downing Street, Cambridge, UK CB2 3EJ (Address for correspondence: 16 Irish Society Court, Coleraine, Co. Derry, BT52 IGX, Northern Ireland)

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Corynoneura magna redescription male adult acidic springs and peat bogs north-eastern France conservation measures
French translation

Redescription de Corynoneura magna Brundin, 1949 de sources et tourbières acides du nord-est de la France (Diptera, Chironomidae, Orthocladiinae)

Corynoneura magna adulte mâle nouvelle description sources et tourbières acides mesures de conservation

Material of two abundant populations composed of male adults, pupae and larvae of Corynoneura magna Brundin, 1949 was recently collected in lentic to semi-lentic habitats including acidic springs and peat bogs located in north-eastern France (alt. 350 and 900 m). In this paper, C. magna is recorded for the first time from continental France. A detailed redescription of the male adult is given. The following distinguishing characters will separate it from other members of the genus Corynoneura: antenna 12-segmented, apical seta present or absent; third palpomere spherical, fifth palpomere notched apically, with 1 apical seta; tibial scale of PIII smooth; sternapodeme inverted U-shaped; phallapodeme scalpel shaped, joint with sternapodeme with a sharp triangular attachment; tergite IX bilobed, with 1 pair of apical setae; gonocoxite truncate apically, ventral junction with branched setae; inferior volsella lobe shaped, located distally; gonostylus massive, megaseta ellipsoidal, or slender with pointed apex. Worldwide, there are currently about 105 known Corynoneura species, of which 45 are reported from the Palaearctic Region and 13 from France. Taxonomic remarks and comments on the ecology and geographical distribution of C. magna are given.