Recent material composed of adults, collected in the primary rainforest in French Guiana, revealed the presence of five species of the genus Stenochironomus. In this paper, S. hallei sp. n. is described as male adult based on material captured over the canopy and the undergrowth aquatic habitats of the primary rainforest of Petit-Saut. On the basis of some atypical distinctive characters (posterior margin of frontal area widely bilobed; wing with 2 median dark spots; femur and tibia of PI-PIII with typical dark pigmentation; tergites II-VI with transverse caudal dark spots, tergite VII with 2 circular postero-lateral spots; postero-ventral part of tergite IX with 8 characteristic groups of tripled curved stout setae (4 on each side); anal point slender, spatulate apically; superior volsella with 4 inner setae and 1 typical outer seta; gonocoxite with long setae, apical ones overreaching tip of gonostylus), S. hallei sp. n. appears to belong to a separate group of species and probably can be considered as a biogeographic representative local element of the primary rainforest of French Guiana. Remarks on the taxonomic position of the new species are given.
Ephemera 25 : 83-90 (8 pages)
On the genus Stenochironomus Kieffer from French Guiana. 1. New records with description of S. hallei sp. n. from the primary rainforest (Diptera, Chironomidae, Chironominae)
- Reçu le 9 mars 2024
- Accepté le 19 juin 2024
- Publié le 27 décembre 2024
Diptera Chironomidae
Stenochironomus hallei sp. n.
French Guiana
primary forest
conservation measures
Espèces décrites :
Stenochironomus hallei
Moubayed, 2024
French translation
Sur le genre Stenochironomus de Guyane française. I. Nouvelles citations et description de S. hallei sp. n. de la forêt primaire (Diptera, Chironomidae, Chironominae)
Diptera Chironomidae
Stenochironomus hallei sp. n.
Guyane française
forêt primaire
mesures de conservation