Ephemera 26 : 48-56 (9 pages)

Pseudosmittia mediterranea sp. n., a crenophilous species from Corsica and Lebanon (Diptera, Chironomidae, Orthocladiinae)

by Joel Moubayed

✻ Freshwater & Marine Biology
10 rue des Fenouils, 34070 Montpellier, France

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Taxonomy new species Mediterranean basin springs conservation measures

Espèces décrites :

French translation

Pseudosmittia mediterranea sp. n., espèce crénophile connue de Corse et du Liban (Diptera, Chironomidae, Orthocladiinae)

Taxonomie nouvelle espèce Bassin Méditerranéen sources mesures de conservation

Chironomidae collected by sweep net in riparian habitats bordering cold springs located in western Corsica (Focolara) and Lebanon (upper stream River Orontes) revealed the presence of a new Pseudosmittia species (P. mediterranea sp. n.), which is described as male adult. Based on some atypical morphological characters (unusual shape of: antenna, clypeus, virga, the 3 lobes of inferor volsella, apical tubercle of gonocoxite), the new species appears to belong to the angusta-group, trilobata subgroup. Accordingly, the new species can be considered as local biogeographic representative, which deserve protection and conservation measures. Currently, there are up to 110 species worldwide, of which about 25 are reported from Europe and 14 from continental France. The description of P. mediterranea sp. n. increases the total number to 9 from Corsica. Comments on the ecology and taxonomic position are given.