Ephemera 25 : 1-12 (12 pages)

Eukiefferiella permiana sp. n., a plesiomorphic species from the middle basin of the River Lergue (Southern France) (Diptera, Chironomidae, Orthocladiinae)

by Joel Moubayed ✻ & Peter H. Langton ✻✻

✻ Freshwater & Marine Biology
10 rue des Fenouils 34070 Montpellier, France

✻✻ University Museum of Zoology Cambridge
Downing Street, Cambridge, UK CB2 3EJ (for correspondance: 16 Irish Society Court, Coleraine, Co. Derry, BT52 IGX, Northern Ireland).

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  • icône library_books Publié le 25 novembre 2024
taxonomy key to male adult and pupal exuviae ecology conservation measures

Espèces décrites :

French translation

Eukiefferiella permiana sp. n., une espèce plésiomorphe connue du bassin moyen de la rivière Lergue, S-France (Diptera, Chironomidae, Orthocladiinae)

taxonomie clés de détermination du mâle adulte et de l’exuvie nymphale écologie mesures de conservation

The male and pupal exuviae of Eukiefferiella permiana sp. n., are diagnosed and described based on material composed of male pharate adults and pupal exuviae collected during spring and the dry season in lotic habitats along the middle basin of the River Lergue (southern France, altitude 100-160 m), which is characterized by the primary red soil deposit of the Permian Era (Ruffe red rocks, age about 260 million years). Based on some relevant characters found in the male adult (superior volsella semi-circular, inferior volsella long acute triangle shaped, proximal expansion of gonostylus triangular) and pupal exuviae (frontal apotome with long ridges and 2 small triangular tubercles; base of antennal sheath with broad triangular expansion; thoracic horn enlarged medially, precorneal tubercle absent; large crochets present on tergites IV-V), the new species appears to belong to the coconina-group (see Moubayed-Breil & Mary 2019), which includes E. coconina Moubayed-Breil & Mary, 2019, E. bedmari Vilchez-Quero & Laville, 1987, E. hessi Freeman, 1958 and 2 morphotypes: E. sp. A (Thailand) and E. sp. B (New Caledonia). Currently, the genus Eukiefferiella is represented worldwide by about 92 species. Consequently, the description of E. permiana sp. n. increases the total number in the genus to 22 from continental France and to 23 from Europe. Taxonomic remarks with key to male adult and pupal exuviae of the coconina-gr and comments on the ecology and geographical distribution of the new species are given.