Ephemera 26 : 26-37 (12 pages)

On the genus Pseudosmittia Edwards, 1932 from Corsica. I. Description of P. acquavivai and P. tyrrhena spp.n. (Diptera, Chironomidae, Orthocladiinae)

by Joel Moubayed

✻ Freshwater & Marine Biology
10 rue des Fenouils, 34070 Montpellier, France

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Taxonomy new species Corsica conservation measures

Espèces décrites :

French translation

Sur le genre Pseudosmittia Edwards, 1932 de Corse. I. Description de P. acquavivai et P. tyrrhena spp. n. (Diptera, Chironomidae, Orthocladiinae)

Taxonomie nouvelles espèces Corse mesures de conservation

Male adult of Pseudosmittia acquavivai sp. n. and P. tyrrhena sp. n. are described based on material collected in Corsica. Localities where the type-material of the 2 new species, were captured are: lateral cold springs in western Corsica for the first one; estuarine zone of the River Ostriconi for the second. P. acquavivai sp. n. appears to key in the brevifurcata-gr, close to both P. brevifurcata (Edwards, 1926) and P. carita Ferrington & Sæther, 2011, based on some unusual morphological characters: inferior volsella double, both lobes subequal, acutely triangular; gonostylus elongate; crista dorsalis bilobed, proximal lobe bulge-like, occupying 90% of the gonostylus. P. tyrrhena sp. n. belongs to a separate subgroup within the tyrrhena-gr, based on the following atypical characters: antenna with one apical seta; palpomeres 4 and 5 fused, segment 5 with one apical seta; pars ventralis large tongue-like shaped; gonocoxite truncate apically; inferior volsella double, dorsal lobe broadly triangular, accessory lobe long nose-like, anterior half bare, caudal part covered with setae; gonostylus massive, crista dorsalis large lobe-like, located caudally. The two new species are considered to be local biogeographic representatives of the Tyrrhenian sub-region. Remarks and comments on the ecology of the new species are given.