Ephemera 26 : 38-47 (10 pages)

On the genus Pseudosmittia from continental France. I. Description of P. beverana sp. n. from the upper basin of the River Bévéra (Diptera, Chironomidae, Orthocladiinae)

by Joel Moubayed

✻ Freshwater & Marine Biology
10 rue des Fenouils, 34070 Montpellier, France

  • icône inbox Reçu le 27 mars 2024
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  • icône library_books Publié le 30 janvier 2025
Taxonomy new species SE-France conservation measures

Espèces décrites :

French translation

Sur le genre Pseudosmittia de France continentale. I. Description de P. beverana sp. n. du bassin supérieur de la rivière Bévéra (Diptera, Chironomidae, Orthocladiinae)

Taxonomie nouvelle espèce Sud-Est France mesures de conservation

Male adult and pupal exuviae of Pseudosmittia beverana sp. n. are described based on recent material collected in some riparian habitats bordering small springs and streams along the upper basin of the River Bévéra (SE-France). The male adult keys in the brevifurcata-gr, in particular, close to P. carita Ferrington & Sæther, 2011. Atypical morphological characters found in the male adult (antenna with apical seta, anal point triangular, short and pubescent; phallapodeme with large aedeagal lobe; virga fine spine shaped; dorsal lobe of inferior volsella large; gonostylus nearly semi-circular) and the pupal exuviae (anterior part of thorax with small spines and ridges; conjunctives II/III to V/VI with rows of orally projecting spinules; anal lobe divided in 2 larges characteristic postero-lateral mounds), allowed us to consider the new species as a local biogeographic representative. To date, the genus Pseudosmittia is represented worldwide by about 110 species, of which up to 20 are reported from Europe and 13 from France. The description of P. beverana sp. n. increases the total number to 14 of known species from this country. Remarks and comments on the ecology of the new species are given.