Male adult of Polypedilum (Pol.) guianensis sp. n. is described based on material composed of adults captured over the canopy of the primary rainforest of Petit-Saut in French Guiana. On the basis of the specific distinguishing characters (inner verticals in 2 rows, caudal margin of frontal area low, widely bilobed; antenna 1250 µm long, terminal segment 730 µm long, tapering distally, AR 1.74; palpomere 3 longer than 4 and 5; tergites I-III and VIII with distinct circular pigmentation on postero-lateral corner; tergite IX with 3 characteristic ridges; superior volsella ending with one atypical short curved seta, outer seta located on distal half; gonocoxite with very long setae), P. guianensis sp. n. belongs to a separate group of the subgenus Polypedilum: the guianensis-gr. Therefore, the new species can be considered as a local biogeographic representative element of the primary rainforest of French Guiana. Remarks with short comments on the ecology of the new species are given.

Ephemera 26 : 19-25 (7 pages)
Polypedilum (Pol.) guianensis sp. n., a new species occuring in the primary rainforest of French Guiana (Diptera, Chironomidae, Chironominae)
Reçu le 12 juin 2024
Accepté le 20 septembre 2024
Publié le 16 janvier 2025
Polypedilum (Pol.) guianensis sp. n.
French Guiana
primary forest
Espèces décrites :
Polypedilum (Pol.) guianensis
Moubayed, 2025
French translation
Polypedilum (Pol.) guianensis sp. n., une nouvelle espèce connue de la forêt primaire en Guyane française (Diptera, Chironomidae, Chironominae)
Polypedilum (Pol.) guianensis sp. n.
Guyane française
forêt primaire